is a fun-loving university student who’s been using our products since her younger adolescent days.

When we’re young and exposed to the internet you’ll try everything to cure your pimple problem. I’ve tried baking soda and even toothpaste that sort of damaged my skin. As I grew older I realised what my mom told me was right. I had a personal revelation –  “As low as poss”

When you’re a student or someone who loves going out and living life the “as low as poss” philosophy holds. Why? Minimal expenditure and less worries about skin issues somehow really gives you less skin issues to worry about. Buy the holy grail items you really need and then you can free up your limited budget as a student for more fun things.

I believe in going for as many opportunities, it’s kind of like a positive FOMO (fear of missing out) where it forces you to make the best of the life and time you have. I want to find out more about the world and in turn it helps me find out more about myself, like a reflection.

Good skin is important too for confidence and so I can have a base to play with make up looks.

I’m kind of into the whole monochromatic, no mascara blush look right now. Reddish tints on clear skin really pop.

What’s truly essential is moisturiser – because my skin is dry-ish. And also SPF, it just makes you fell better. Also The Crux, I’ve been using for years, to solve any little pimples.

Non-skincare skincare tips also include sleep. It’s the bedrock of good skin. Admittedly I haven’t been sleeping as much and the tiredness really shows on my skin. Sleep more!

It’s the balanced and simple things in life that keep it happy and easy to lead. That’s what we believe too, Christie. You go girl.

If you want that “as low as poss” minimal skincare basic down, we’re here to start you out.